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The Glutton


49.8 %
3.7 %

Attack damage

Ability effects


Base Growth
HP 3742 + 270.5
Attack 158 + 8.3
Defense 104 + 21.7
Resistance 50 + 8.5

Hero   tips

Grakk can hook enemy heroes from far distances, so try to hide in the brush when you are using Grakk to take key damage dealers out of the fight. Grakk also continues to pose a large threat after he dies. Finding a strategic death location at the right time will help your team immensely.
Blood Ritual
Whenever Grakk receives damage equal to more than 10% of his current HP in a single blow, he triggers an explosion, dealing 40 (+0) (+74) magic damage to enemies within 500 units (2-second cooldown). Grakk will also trigger an explosion 3 seconds after his death, dealing 160 (+0) (+299) (8% of his own maximum HP) magic damage to enemies within 500 units.
skill 1
Mana cost: 60
Grakk stomps, dealing 150 (+0) magic damage to enemies within range and reducing their movement speed by 30% for 2 seconds. Enemies closer to Grakk will take double the damage and movement speed reduction, and are stunned for 0.5 seconds.
skill 2
Devil's Chain
Mana cost: 0
Grakk throws a hook to pull the first enemy hit towards him, dealing 625 (+0) magic damage. After this ability has been learned, Grakk's maximum HP will be increased by 125 with each kill or assist (up to 20 times).
skill 3
World Devourer
Mana cost: 130
After a short delay, Grakk pulls in enemies in front of him, stunning them and dealing a total of 1200 (+0) magic damage during the pull. Grakk also gains a shield if the ability hits at least 1 enemy. This ability must be channeled and has a maximum duration of 3 seconds. Moving or using another ability after 1.2 seconds of channeling will interrupt this ability.
summoner 1
Stuns nearby enemies for 0.5 seconds, then reduces their movement speed for 1 second.
summoner 2
Teleports your hero a short distance.

Hero   Story

Grakk was known for his brutality. As the executioner, he shackled imprisoned souls, and tore open the offending souls with his teeth to torture them. He had to pay a steep price for this though. The price was that he could no longer digest any food other than souls. He needed to devour souls to satisfy his constant hunger.

To stave off hunger during times of peace, he had to ask for help from Zephys and Nakroth; the former harvested souls while the latter past judgment. All guilty souls became his food. After the war broke out, in return for Grakk's strength, Maloch promised Grakk that he could do whatever he wanted with the enemies he captured.

The never-ending feast turned Grakk into a war maniac. With every fresh soul consumed, his power grew. He turned all of the things he could not eat into the Fallen to capture more food for him.

I… hunger…